
I dedicate this site my husband, a soldier, a father, and above all a friend. I also dedicate this site to soldiers currently serving and who have served our great country. You are in our thoughts always.

Location: Alabama, United States

Married to a National Guard soldier. Just waiting for his departure overseas. This will the second go-round...I feel like a pro this time!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Chubby Checker's getting bigger!

Before my husband left, we had talked about getting some chickens. Yes, its Alabama, yes we live in the country, sort of. This is nothing compared to where I grew up! the chickens. When he was activated, he switched into "Gotta get everything done" mode. That meant rearranging the garage, getting the cars tuned up, showing me the the tricks to get the lawnmower started, and chickens. Within about one day he had built a chicken coupe, fit for the cock or hen of the walk! So we called a number we found in the paper. This led a to a little old lady's house. We now refer to her as the chicken lady. She had hundreds of birds. Guineas, turkeys, ducks, geese, and of course, chickens!
I picked out a big fat red one, Ruby, and a pure white one, Isabell. Made it home with no incidents, and let 'em loose! The minute we put them in the coupe, it shrunk. We knew we had to add another suite to the chicken palace.
So, the next afternoon, we added a very nice front yard completely lined with chicken wire, even the top! Then, we decided we needed a little noise, so we go get a rooster. I picked out a black and white one with red around its head. The chicken lady said it was young, so it might take a few weeks for it to crow. No problem.
We brought Chubby Checker home and introduced him to the lady's. They immediately commence to pecking the hell out of him! Poor guy! But he has since learned how to handle them and seems to be doing ok.
I usually get one egg a day, but today, there was two. I think Isabell is finally catching up to 'ol Ruby. And Chubby Checker, he's getting bigger!!! I can't wait to hear those first few pitiful attempts to show the world he is a man by belting out the equivalent of boy's voice cracking through puberty!!
I had talked my husband about getting chickens for so long. He wanted to be sure that I had them before he left. He is such a good man in that way. Yes, he spoils me, yes he tries to give me everything I want. I wanted love, safety, friendship, fun and trust...He has given me all of that and more....CHICKENS!!!


Blogger CaliValleyGirl said...

Man, I have such a smile after reading this post. We had chickens when we were younger, and they were so much fun...we rarely got eggs, they were mostly there for our enjoyment, considering they ran wild and rooster in whereabouts unknown. And we also named them. There was Speckeldy, Handicapped, Fluffy, Nails, Fighter Chicken, Chipper...*sigh*...oh, the memories.
Most people just don't get tell them funny chicken stories and you are relegated to a categorie far below "crazy cat woman" wish you much enjoyment!

2:37 PM  

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