
I dedicate this site my husband, a soldier, a father, and above all a friend. I also dedicate this site to soldiers currently serving and who have served our great country. You are in our thoughts always.

Location: Alabama, United States

Married to a National Guard soldier. Just waiting for his departure overseas. This will the second go-round...I feel like a pro this time!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Marking off the days....

Well, this is the first entry. I've been keeping a journal, but maybe this will be a little more satisfying. Here's the story, my husband was activated in September 2005 to go to Afghanistan in January. Now we have begun a semi-separation because he is a state away for training. Miraculously, he got to come home for our first anniversary last weekend. It was fantastic. Forgot how handsome he is!! Shows you what distance can do.
What made this whole situation worse was he was on again and off again for activation 8 times! Talk about an emotional roller coaster. It wasn't confirmed until three days before he lots of time prepare, HA! I know this is typical stuff for most military wives. I guess it threw us for a loop because of the back and forth. I'm used to worrying about him, he's a police officer in his civilian life. Can't believe I'd ever prefer him to be a cop!!
The other thing is that I don't know any other women in my area who have husbands that are being deployed. Being the National Guard, we are all so spread out. The only information I've gotten is through him. No family readiness officer, nothing. Just a big folder with tons a paperwork and information I've read five times. This may be par for the course. I guess because people were telling me I would get so much information and help in getting ready for his deployment, I thought there would be more communications about what to expect.
I have so many unanswered questions. How do we communicate once he is there? How often can we talk? Can we email? Talk on the phone? I know many of these questions will be answered once he's there...just being impatient.
I'm so glad that we have the relationship that we do. No matter how much I miss him, I know he misses me just as much. I've always told him that I felt like he is with me even when we're miles apart...this will be the real test of that statement. As long as he comes home to me....I can adjust to anything.
I've already repainted almost every room in the house, even the shutters!!! Got my fall garden going, we even got chickens right before he left. As the weather turns cooler, it makes me a little sad not to have him to snuggle with. We had our honeymoon this time last year, so the weather brings back memories.
All in all, not too bad so far. I know it will be worse when he leaves the country..but I'll deal with that when it comes. Tomorrow's another day.......


Blogger CaliValleyGirl said...

Yeah, the is communication going to be once he gets there thing...I have sooo been there. It was so frustrating in the beginning. The first few months were terrible, trying to get adjusted, to downshift on the communications highway. But the weird thing is, no matter how terrible this might sound: you get used to it. I think in the first 4 weeks he was gone, I sent him about 12's funny to think about that now. Oh, well...I wish you the best of luck!

2:43 PM  

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